The Jaeger corp animations.
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The Jaeger corp animations.
Last updated
Animations are the most appealing aspect of our project, they are expertly crafted and are our most prized creations, they showcase the story on the most visual way possible as well as transmit a level of epicness that is unattainable by any other methods, due to the lengthy amount of time they take we are always in the middle of creating one, usually having 1 week or so between each animation.
The first step is thinking what the animation will be, we always tie in all animations so they make sense moving backwards and forwards
We then prepare all the assets from the artworks to be used for said animations, this takes some time but ut guarantees an excellent end result, you can see the artwork process here:
Then comes the thick of it, animating the scene, we use Photoshop and other tools to do so and meticulously create the piece, focusing on all the different movements at first and then on the bigger picture:
We sometimes scrap ideas and pivot to doing something new in lights of a better results, these ideas can later be recycled and put to another better use on another time.
Details are also added in post production such as VFX,SFXor certain 3D models:
At the time of writing this we are working on Animation number 3; Jaeger arrival, using this artwork as the starting piece:
End result: